Medgate works in the field of international air, ocean and road transport.



We offer a full range of services: air and sea import-export, customs consulting service, special heavy equipment and plant transport and transfer, road transport.


Medgate guarantees efficiency, on time and personalized service to meet the specific needs of the clients. We reach every destination in the world thanks to an international network of agents in any continent.


Medgate has specialized services in door-door air, sea, road transport import and
export and has also a specialized department in transport and transfer of special heavy equipment and plants.


Our goal is to offer our clients with a full range of personalized services in international shipments with flexible and prompt solutions.

Our constant and main effort is offering the best solutions to the several and diversified needs of an everyday more and more specialized and competitive


Do you need fast and safe shipments?
Contact us, together we can reach the whole world!

International customs consulting

Thanks to a proven network of customs operators in all the most important italian ports and airports, we offer our clients a complete customs consulting service related to any customs formality for import and export from/to any country in the world.

Through our foreign correspondents and their customs operators we are able to offer our clients an update and reliable customs and tax consulting service in relation to any foreign country in the world about laws, regulations and directives, particulary on import and export licenses, customs duties and taxes.

Ocean import-export

Medgate offers consolidated and full containers shipments, both import and export from/to the major ports in the world, with logistic service and door to door delivery.

Thanks to the widespread presence of our correspondents and agents in more than 30 countries, we are able to guarantee the maximum speed and tailor made technical consulting service according to the needs of our clients. At the same time we also guarantee transparent and competitive prices.

Project cargo

Thanks to a cooperation with a consociated company specialized in the field, we offer a highly qualified and specialized service of plant and equipments transfer: disassembling in Italy or in any foreign country, packaging organization, transport and reassembling in situ in the country of destination.

A selected team of mechanical, electrical and fluidic technicians is always available to check and to help in all the processes that are necessary for plants and heavy equipments transfer, following the most rigorous international security regulations.

Road transport

With our consolidated and full truck services we can reach all the most important European destination with door-door delivery with and high level of efficiency and always better quality of service.

Air import-export

Medgate handles airfreight shipment from and to all the international airports with logistic service and door-door delivery.
We have a custom agent partner inside Malpensa apt the most important cargo apt in Italy

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